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Bid Item Status Flags in SharpeSoft

Dylan C

Bid Item Statuses are a quick and easy way to determine where a job stands with just a glance. Composed of a set of colorful flag indicators, these flags are visible to any user in the company with access to the job which they were applied to, conveying information between estimators immediately.

Access the Bid Item Status:

  • Click on the Defaults menu in the main menu bar.

  • From the drop-down menu, select Bid Item Status.

  • The Bid Item Status window will open, displaying any status flags that already exist. Create new statuses by clicking the Insert button.

The flags displayed in this window are the only flags/colors that can be selected for bid item status use.  The user cannot create custom colors.  Once a flag has been used by linking it to a status description, it is disabled for selection and cannot be used again.  This window allows for 12 different statuses and linked colored-flag indicators.

To enter a new bid item status, type in a Description in the field provided.  An example of a description might be:  'Numbers Plugged', 'Ready for Review', 'Review Complete', etc.  If you use teams to estimate different bid items, you might enter descriptions such as, 'Team 1', 'Team 2', etc.  Take a moment to think about the status indicators and how they could best be used by your company.

Once you have entered a description, click on the colored flag you want to represent that description and then click OK.  The window will close and you will be returned to the Bid Item Status window.  

Important Note: When editing a bid item status (as opposed to inserting), the window name is Edit Bid Item Status, however the windows are otherwise identical.

In this window you will create a customized list of colored Bid Item status flags.  These flags are displayed in the Bid Items window (left column) and appear next to the bid item indicating its status or completion level.  These flags are also included in the following reports: Bid Item Detail, Items with Sub-Items and both Chargeable Sub-Items.

The colored flag that is used to indicate each bid item status level is a company default.  These are not linked to an individual user's login. Because all users will be viewing the colored flags selected here when they are in the Bid Items window, a system supervisor should make these color choices. If you do not want system users changing the selections made in this window, use the Ctrl+F8 keyboard combination shortcut to open the Set User Access security window.  Double click in the Access column of that window to toggle Yes or No for each user or user group listed in the window.  When a user's access is set to No, they will not be allowed to enter this window.

Click the Insert button to open the Insert/Edit Bid Item Status window.  Follow the help instructions for that window. Once you return to this window the status levels you entered will be displayed.  To edit an existing status, double click on a record displayed in the window.


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