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SharpeSoft Fast Trax: Cloud Toolbar

Dylan C

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Scroll down for a helpful video!

Using the SharpeSoft Cloud Toolbar

When you open a SharpeSoft application within the cloud, the program works exactly the same as if it were installed on your local computer. You can consult the on screen Help and Training manuals to learn about using the software. However, since your software is being hosted on SharpeSoft Cloud servers, a special Cloud Toolbar is provided with selections for printing and for the transfer of data between the cloud server and your local computer. The toolbar opens when you click on the drop arrow directly below the browser address bar.


Proposals and Reports

Printing your proposals and reports within the cloud is done the same way you would if you were working on a locally installed system. For complete information on printing, refer to the system Help and Training manuals.

Go to the Reports menu and double click on the report you want to run. In the report Processing Options window, select the different options you want for the report. Once you have made your selections, click OK.

If you select View or Email for your Output option, your report will open on-screen in the Report Previewer. In the Report Previewer, you can make any changes you want to the final report. When ready, click the Print toolbar button.

The Print Options window will open with the Universal Printer selected as the output device. This is the cloud default and it should not be changed. However, if you want to change the Pages to print, you can do that now. When ready, click OK.

The system will now convert your report to a PDF document and the Print interface window will open.

In the Print window, you can select the local printer on which you want to print your report and make any other changes to your preferences. When finished, click Print. The system will download and print the report on the printer you selected. If you selected Email in the Processing Options window, the system will download the report to your installed email client.

If you select Print in the Processing Options window, the system bypasses the Print Previewer and takes you directly to the Print Options window. From there, just follow the steps outlined above to finish printing your report.

Printing from windows with associated reports

Many of the application windows have associated reports (labor, equipment, job bid items, etc.). When working in these windows, the Print button in the application toolbar allows you to run the report directly from the window, without having to navigate to the Reports menu and run it from there. The Print button in the Cloud Toolbar works the same way. To print a report directly from its associated window, simply click the Print button and the report Processing Options window will open automatically. You can either use the print button in the application toolbar, or use the Cloud Toolbar print button. Both perform the same function.

Printing Pictures & Documents

To print Job Photos or other pictures or to print a spreadsheet you created from an exportable window, click the Server to PC button to open the File Download window.

To print a picture, right click on the image you want and click the Print context menu selection. The picture will open in your browser and the Print interface window will appear. Click the Print button in the interface and the system will download the picture to your local network printer.

To print a spreadsheet, double click on the file to open it in your installed spreadsheet viewer. From there, use the print commands to print your spreadsheet. The system will download it automatically to your local network printer.

PC to Server

This selection allows you to upload documents and pictures from your local computer to the Documents folder in the cloud application.

Clicking this button opens the File Upload window on your local computer. There, you can navigate to the folder that contains the files you want. Double click on a picture or document to upload it to the server, or highlight multiple files and click the Open button in the lower right corner.

The File Transfer window will open briefly showing the progress of your upload. Once the transfer is complete, you can click on the Server to PC button to view, print or edit the files you just uploaded.

  • If you have uploaded a spreadsheet with data you want to import into your Defaults or Tables, just use the Import from Excel selections in the context menus of those windows. (Refer to the system Help manual for complete information about importing/exporting spreadsheets.)


The Clipboard is a storage area for items that have been cut or copied. Whenever you cut or copy something, it is automatically placed in the clipboard for you. You can then "paste" a copy of the item from the clipboard to anywhere you want.

Server to PC

When you click this button, it opens the U Drive window, which contains any files you have uploaded to the cloud server. If you have created spreadsheets from exportable windows, they will be stored here as well. If you want to print or download a document to your local computer, you can do it from this window. Just double click on the file you want. A window will open giving you the option to either open or save the file.

Clicking “Open with” opens the file in its parent program (Excel, Word, etc.) or any other application you select using the drop arrow menu. Once you have made your changes to the document, save it and the system will download it automatically to your local computer.

Clicking “Save file” will download the file immediately to your local computer.

File Manager

The File Manager serves as a temporary container for any files you upload during the current work session. You can also upload files directly to the file manager by clicking “Click or drop files to upload” at the top of the File Manager window. This works the same as using the PC to Server button in the toolbar by opening the File Upload window, where you can simply double click on a file or drag and drop it into the File Manager.

Any file listed in the File Manager can be opened within the window or saved to your local computer in the same way you would using the Server to PC button.

You can delete files by checking the Mark box next to the file name and then clicking the X in the Action column.

Once you log out of the system, all of the files in the File Manager are deleted but they will remain in File Download window, which you can access by clicking the Server to PC button.

Full Screen

This button works the same as if you clicked the full screen icon in your browser. It hides the browser interface so that you only see the application on your screen. To return to the browser view, click the button again or press Esc.


Getting started with SharpeSoft is a breeze. Whether you are looking to create a new job or add one, SharpeSoft has got your back. We have the tools and expertise necessary to help you make it happen without breaking a sweat.

You can continue on to other helpful Fast Trax articles below. To learn more about this particular subject, consult your system Help manual, or just give us a call and we’ll be glad to walk you through it.

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Fast Trax Estimator Cloud Toolbar Server Full Screen Printing


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