Company logos can be easily inserted into a job with the steps outlined below. Logos will appear on various generated reports inside the program, including final proposals.
How to:
Click on the Setup menu in the main menu bar.
From the drop-down menu, select Companies and Offices.
The Companies and Offices window will open. If you do not already have a company created at this time, do so now by selecting Insert in the left-most panel.

Double-click on the office of your choice in the right-hand panel. The Update Office window will open. If you are creating a new office, this window will be called Insert Office (New).
Navigate to the Logo tab.
From here you can insert your chosen logo image by clicking on the magnifying glass and selecting from the file directory.
NOTE: If you are working on the SharpeSoft cloud environment, you will first need to make sure that the logo image has been correctly sent from your PC to the server. Do so with the Cloud Toolbar by selecting PC to Server.
ALSO NOTE: Logo images have a maximum file size of 800 x 800 pixels. SharpeSoft Estimator supports .png, .jpg, .GIF, .bmp, and .tiff file types.

Getting started with SharpeSoft is a breeze. Whether you are looking to create a new job or add one, SharpeSoft has got your back. We have the tools and expertise necessary to help you make it happen without breaking a sweat.
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