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SharpeSoft IPM Fast Trax 3/8: Easy Steps for Creating an Inspector's Daily Report

Dylan C

Scroll down for 3 helpful videos!

Activate a Project

Go to: Setup menu > Projects In the Projects window, click on the project you want and then click Activate

selected project in the toolbar.

Enter a Daily Progress Workday Record

Access the Daily Project Workday window from the Progress menu on the toolbar. Then select Daily Progress.

To add a new workday, click Insert beneath the Inspectors column and the Insert Daily Progress Workday window will open.

Enter the Inspector, Work Date, Status, Weather,and Temperatures for the day. Use the search buttons to the right of each field to choose values where shown. For the Controlling Operation you can just type in the information, or you can click search to select bid items that are the focus for this day’s entry.

When you are finished, click OK. Your new entry for the day will now be listed in the Inspector column in the Daily Progress Workdays window.

To include a daily memo, click View daily diary for selected workday and inspector in the toolbar (or press Ctrl+M). Memos can be viewed in the Daily Progress Workdays window

by double clicking on the memo icon next to the inspector’s name. The same memo may also be opened from the Daily Activity Tracking window.

Be sure to record your inspection hours in all applicable fields of the Daily Progress Workdays


Enter Daily Progress

In the Daily Progress Workday window, double click on an Inspector name and the Daily Progress window will open. In there, you will enter the items that were worked on for that day and with the quantities completed.

To enter the contract items that were worked on for that day, right click on the Contract Items header, and then click Insert/Change Contract Items. The Select Contract Items window will open.

In the select window, mark each item you want by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on the items. This highlights and marks the item for copying. When you have marked all your items, press Enter. This will copy the marked items into the Daily Progress window. To enter the quantities completed for each of the bid items that are now displayed in the window, click in the Quantity column and enter a value. If necessary, also adjust the item’s Projected Quantity.

If you want to add items from a Change Order or Potential Change Order, right click on either of those headers in the Daily Progress window and then click Insert/Change. In the select window that opens, mark your needed items and copy them into this window in the same manner as you copied the bid items.

To enter more detailed quantity information, double click on an item and its Daily Progress Detail window will open.

In here you can enter values for System/Line, Unit/Detail, Start/End Stations, Sheet Numbers, and Funding. Clicking the Memo button in the toolbar will provide additional space for any comment about the selected progress. Inspector's Daily Report

Also in this window, the total daily quantity can be broken down into multiple sections so the user can apply different values for any of the fields.This is especially helpful when different funding sources are responsible for specific sections of the total progress.

Track Labor and Equipment

From the Daily Progress window, click View daily activity tracking in the toolbar. The Daily Labor & Equipment Activity Tracking window will open. Use this window to record jobsite labor and equipment usage information, as well as rates and hours.

  • For departments using the Item Tracking option, the window will look slightly different.

When you first enter the tracking window, your awarded vendor will be displayed in the Vendors column.

If you need to enter additional vendors, (subcontractors, etc.) right click on your awarded vendor’s name and click Insert. You will be given the option to enter another vendor or to enter a crew under your awarded vendor.

Note that under each vendor entered in the window is a Laborers folder and Equipment folder. To enter a specific vendor’s labor and equipment, right click on one of these folders under the vendor you want and you will be given one of the following choices:

  • Select Laborers

  • Add Temporary Laborers

  • Select Equipment

  • Add Temporary Equipment

In both menus, the Select option allows you to locate saved records from the vendor’s Labor and Equipment tables. The Add Temporary selections let you manually add a laborer or a piece of equipment that has not been saved to the vendor labor and equipment windows. Once you have entered a labor or equipment record, you can also enter hours and rates.


Getting started with SharpeSoft is a breeze. Whether you are looking to create a new job or add one, SharpeSoft has got your back. We have the tools and expertise necessary to help you make it happen without breaking a sweat.

You can continue on to other helpful Fast Trax articles below. To learn more about this particular subject, consult your system Help manual, or just give us a call and we’ll be glad to walk you through it.

Equipment Estimator Fast Trax Video Labor Tracking Progress Workday Record


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